Хөдөөгийн байдал шалдар булдар, цагийн улирал ороо, бусгаа, элстэй шанд, буттай цайдмыг дагаж хааяа нэг хар гэрээс утаа суунаглана. Дөрвөн зүг цэв цэлийн уйтгартай, цагаан униар тунана. Зуны лүгхийм халуун эсгий гэрийг шарж, малчин хүний сэтгэлийг бухимдуулна. Айлын хаяагаар үхрийн баас үргэлжилжээ. Үүгээр түүгээр хэдэн тугал оодогнон давхина. Хөлд орохоос аваад, үс цайхын хүртэл нэг голыг өгсөн уруудан, нүүж, нэг худагийг эргэн тойрон нутагласаар энэхүү ертунцийг эцэслэнэ. Гавж Жамбал хоймор сууж бурхан ном гэж буруу зөв чалчих ба зайсан Намжил гаднаас ирж хууль ёс гэж худал үнэн ярихыг сонссоор өдөр, сарыг улируулна. Тэртээ уулыг өнгөрвөл айлгүй гэж бодож, тэнгэрийн хаяанаас цааш газаргүй гэж сэтгэсээр, түмэн хэргээс хоцорч, дэлхийн боловсролоос гээгдэнэ. Гагцхүү өглөө бурханд залбирч, үдэш тэнгэрт мөргөж нэг нас барна. Хуучин хүү хул морин дээрээ хөндлөн сууж, хатируулсаар хүрч ирэв...Д.Нацагдорж

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Солонгос найзын ярилцлага

Эх хэл буюу Англи хэл дээр нь хүргэж байна. Таалан болгооно уу?

TB: Happy Easter!
KH: Happy Easter to you too!!!!

TB: First of all thank you for accepting my interview for my blog readers. 
KH: My pleasure!

TB: They will be happy to read our conversation.

KH: They will :P

TB: Here we start!

TB: Well, we should start talking about our French class. You are close to graduate. How do you feel? Soon you can have a big & beautiful certificate. 

KH: To me, it's like I am having same experience all over again. - I did same thing with my English course about 13 years ago.  After I finished all the courses, of course, I couldn't speak English fluently, so I really hope that my French will be like my English in the future!  Anyway, It's super nice to learn another language.  It's not like I just learn the language but also because of that I've learn more about French culture, and understand things better than before.  It's such a power I posses now.

TB: What would you say for those who wants to learn French?

KW: Highly recommend it but of course, learning English is better for the starter.  In general, the world want us to have the English skill more than French skill, I guess.  

TB: How is Montreal treating you? If you compare to San Francisco?

KH: They have their own charms.  SF is more Asians and bigger in many ways - not the size but the culture, more people, much broad multicultural, more restaurants :P, nice weather, nicer people, lots of other place to go around - lots of national parks, LA.....  Montreal, It's like we are living in Europe with north American touch.  It's very beautiful city.  We can enjoy all the festivals, concerts, shows, .......  Here people appreciate the weather better so for 6 months- May to Oct, non-stop festivals!  I like it a lot

TB: What do you like most in Montreal?

KHLes spectacles.  Because I live so near the place des arts but also I've been gone to many ballets, dance, concerts than before...

TB: I am really starving to your food now. Because I felt that our lunch with our teacher was nice over the conversation but that Bibimbab wasn't. How was yours?

KH: Of course my food is much better because of that I rarely go out for Korean food :)  but it was super nice to have lunch with our teacher.  I like her a lot.  We should get together when you come here again but longer time :)

TB: How can I be a good chef like you? I think I have a long way to go maybe never lol. 

KH: Probably never :)  It's long process and you have to like to do it.  Don't worry, I will cook for you.  You have other talents, - everybody has different one!

TB: Next time you should show me how to make a Sushi. Because I really want to eat it here but I failed lots. Please?

    oh.... learning sushi is really really difficult- time consuming and physically tiring.  It won't happen in one day... truely.  When you are here, I rather spend time with you rather than cooking all day long.  Unfortunatly, here in MOntreal, there isn't a good sushi restaurant - there is one but extremly expensive.  When we go to other city in US, we should go for sushi :)
I am going to San Francisco in June, I will eat tons of sushi while I am there.  Here restaurants asiatiques ne sont pas bon!

TB: Also, we should go to Korean Karaoke. Do you like to sing? I do & there is a chance to have Mongolian sons as well. Yay!

 KH: Karaoke in Montreal, bizarre, believe me.  There are weird people all over.  We should go to Korean Karaoke, when we are in Korea! the best!!!

TB: I know you read lots. What kind of literature do you like to read? Like history? or ...

 KH: I only read - Romance books!  Romans d'amour! of course.  I deteste tragique.  I have to read books that end happily ever after .  Mostly historical romance but I also like paranormal like shapeshifters, vampires, aliens :)  all hots guys with super beautiful women. Just like me and my husband :)

TB: What would be the first thing you will do when you go to Mongolia?

 KH: Gengiskan! - I want to see and learn all about him!  Food!  the real Mongolian food!

TB: What is your dream with piano? Playing in a big concert or ?

KH: I just want to play whatever I want to listen.  Lately I play Erik Satie because his works are simple but beautiful.  It is really really long process. 
This is the song I've been practicing lately.  I will play for you when you come visit me.

The Scott Joplin "Solace" I've been play this over 2 years and still not perfect.  This is the song


TB: Since it is girl's talk, we should talk about some collections like accessories or bags. What is your collection?

KH: I don't collect any but my husband and his mother always give me earings, necklaces, and bracelets.  I have quiet big collection of them.  Bags, I have many but not expensive at all.  Most of them are from my sister. If you want any Korean fashionable girls, my sister and my sister-in law in Korea, they are the best.  Super pretty, super fashionable.  I am not the one.  I am too Americanized :)

TB: You guys are going to Paris celebrating your 10th anniversary of your wedding. What are you expecting most in Paris? Shows, museums, restaurants or ?

KH: Lots of food, lots of museums, lots of wine, lots of sightseeing.  We will spend 17 days there, 3 days in Loire valley.  We already reserved some famous restaurants.  I am super excited.  You will see many photos!

TB: If you could say one word about your lovely husband, who is he?

 KH: One word - the most perfect husband ever!  If I were born again, I will marry him again - he told me same thing.  He is handsome, generous, kind, beautiful, extremely smart, very thoughtful, ... most importantly love me a lot!

TB: What is your dream in the future?

KH: Speaking perfect French :) perfect Spanish, perfect Japanese and traveling a lot, and just being happy!

TB: I will leave open last minute for you. 

 KH: The best thing ever happen in Montreal is that I met you, Temeechin busgui!  It's better than learning French or enjoy Montreal.  It isn't easy, almost impossible to meet someone, like each other, click each other and keep the relationship.  I think you can be my young sister forever!

TB: Thank you, we will do it! Thank you for your time, 

KH: Your welcome!  It's fun!!

TB: Good luck for your exams! See you soon!!


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